
Posts Tagged ‘spoiled’

Last night after dinner I told the girl child that I would show her how to do the dishes. She’s 9 yrs. old and it’s time for her to fulfill her daughterly duties. I filled the sink for her, got everything ready for the demo and showed her the dish washing ropes. No big deal, easy as pie. I stepped away and went into the living room to see if she would complete the task without supervision. Pretty soon I heard moaning and grumbling. And then I heard her whine, “This is soooooo gross I’m going to gag.” You would have thought I asked her to drink her own urine, not wash dishes. Sheesh! I asked her what the problem was and this is the conversation that ensued:

E: “This is disgusting, there’s all this food and stuff on the dishes”.

Me: “Um, yeah, dear, we just ate off of those plates and that is WHY you are washing them. What did you expect would be on them? What’s so gross about it?

E: “Well, it’s just gross. I don’t want to touch your uneaten food.”

Me: “Most of the food has already been washed off by the water.”

E: “I can still see it floating around in the water and there’s sticky stuff on the plates.”

Me: “Get used to it. You’re up against a lifetime of dirty dishes.”

E: “Just because YOU had to do dishes when YOU were young doesn’t mean I have to do them.”

Me: “Hey sister, we’re not talking about me. Who do you think you are? Just because you’re named after a queen doesn’t make you royalty. You’re a mere peasant around here and you are required to help out. Now, get to work and finish those dishes”.

Tune in next week when I tell her she has to clean the litter box. Bwahahahaha!

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